Let's you browse and download the image on the desktop
// Name: Unsplash// Description: Search unsplash for the perfect image to download// Author: Vogelino// Twitter: @soyvogelinoimport "@johnlindquist/kit";const { createApi } = await npm("unsplash-js");const accessKey = await env("UNSPLASH_ACCESS_KEY","Enter your unsplash Access Key");const downloadPath = await env("UNSPLASH_DOWNLOAD_PATH","Enter the path where to download the images");const headers = {"User-Agent": "scriptkit/unsplash",};const api = createApi({accessKey,});const query = await arg("What do you want to search");const photosRes = await{query,page: 1,perPage: 10,});if (photosRes.errors) {console.log("error occurred: ", photosRes.errors[0]);} else {const { results } = photosRes.response;const options = => ({name: photo.description || photo.alt_description || "Untitled",description: `${} – ${photo.width} x ${photo.height} – ${photo.likes} Likes`,preview: `<style>.image { object-fit: contain; height: 80vh; }</style><img class="w-screen image" src="${photo.urls.regular}" />`,value: photo,}));const selectedPhoto = await arg("Select a photo to copy", options);const buffer = await download(selectedPhoto.urls.raw, headers);const filePath = `${downloadPath}/unsplash-image-${}.png`;await writeFile(filePath, buffer);notify(`Successfully downloaded file: ${filePath}`);}